Monday, 2 February 2009

Europe Weather Forecast 2nd February - 6th February 2009

With freezing Russian air streaming in from the southeast there has already been lots of snow (8 Inches in some places). It looks like the snow will continue for the reset of the week, but may die down for a bit on Tuesday evening for most of England and Wales. On Thursday and Friday Snow will switch direction and start coming in from the North.


Average Temp: -2ºC to 4ºC

Snow dying down during evening for most of England and Wales

Average Temp: -3ºC to 5ºC

Snowy for people in the far South and North of Scotland during the evening

Average Temp: -4ºC to 2ºC

Snowy for most of England

Average Temp: -4ºC to 2ºC

Partially Snowy

Perhaps thundery for East England especially the North East (I might get something for once!)

Sunday, 18 January 2009

How long will it take?

Something I don't understand is, after years and years and years and years(I could go on... and I will) and years and years and years and years of tornadoes, how people are still managing to get killed? I know night time tornadoes cause a lot of deaths, so people killed by them have an excuse, but tornadoes during the day, when there are plenty of warnings given, people still manage to die? I think maybe one cause is people not having shelter, so why doesn't the government give away shelters free? You can't complain about cost you only need some reinforced metal fitted into an inside room to provide some basic protection, or how about communal shelters like in WWI and WWII? I also think more education should be given in schools and not just to children, to adults as well. But I guess no matter how much you give to help the stupid, it will never be enough and maybe if America ignores the problem it will sort itself out:

Death + Stupid People = No Stupid People.

Thats all for now!

Saturday, 17 January 2009

17th January 2009

Nothing much happened apart from some dark bands of clouds eventually going overcast before the rain, then it started to rain, so yeh pretty uneventful.

You should check out my gallery at: CLICK ME IF YOUR NOT A COMMUNIST! You can browse my albums on the bar on the left hand side in case you don't know how photobucket works :P

Also ESTOFEX and TORRO have issued tornado watches for basically the whole of the UK, so today might be interesting!

Lots of rain on the way

Okay its been quite a while since my last post, so HAPPY NEW YEAR! Just to keep this thing going I'm going to be tracking a large area of raining moving towards me. I will be posting back with pictures and radar images. Enjoy!